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For each woman to develop understanding of her own personal worth, strength and purpose and realise the potential within her to fulfil her desires.
Equip women to:
- Identify themselves as valuable with much to contribute
- Build confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
- Develop respect and boundaries in relationships
- Understand they are able to have a positive influence in their world
- Identify personal desires and strengths to motivate them to set and achieve personal goals
These message objectives are achieved through three foundational concepts:
Worth, Strength & Purpose.
Foundational Concepts
I HAVE WORTH – Body and soul I am wonderfully made
The focus for these session is for women to understand for themselves that they are valuable. Their uniqueness is something to celebrate and that they have been wonderfully made.
I HAVE STRENGTH! – Choose life
These sessions explore the power of choice and the power that decisions have on shaping a person’s future. This is addressed through practical sessions about feelings, convictions, decision-making, and problem-solving.
I HAVE PURPOSE! – I have a hope and a future
Purpose is examined through exploring personal hopes, dreams and desires. Goal setting, group discussions on potential talents and practical activities, are used to equip and build confidence to live out a purpose-filled, adventurous life.
The methodologies used include active participation and discussion forums. Therefore, such methods have been found to assist with social confidence, how to work with peers in a team or towards a goal, how to speak up for themselves and to learn how to express emotions in a healthy manner.
Methods to facilitate learning include:
- Visual – videos, charts, whiteboards, notes
- Auditory – discussions, interviews, music, personal stories, short teaching sessions, audios
- Kinaesthetic – role plays, physical activity, small group work, whole group work
Interaction and contribution by participants promotes understanding and empowers people to move forward, using skills learnt within the group.
Key Outcomes
Women have achieved learning and motivational outcomes that form the foundation of the ultimate goal – a greater level of understanding about their own personal worth, strength and purpose.
These include:
- Developed holistic personal and problem-solving skills
- Improved confidence and understanding of value
- Enhanced social support networks
- Greater understanding in relation to gifts and talents
- Greater awareness of community contribution and participation
Strenght-Based Approach
ShineWomen focuses on addressing the strengths and skills the participants possess rather than their weaknesses or deficits. All people have strengths but many are unrecognised and unused by the individual. The strengths-based approach inspires participants to grow and change by using their strengths as a personal resource. As people become engaged through experiential and interactive activities, participants can begin to discover their inner strength, skills, personal identity, and qualities.
ShineWomen encourages participants to become the expert within their own life. They are the ones who can tap into their own potential and discover their personal identity and worth. Ultimately, the process of discovering and understanding ‘the self’ always comes from within the participant’s own perspective. The facilitator is there to draw out the best from each participant and to be a guide in the process.