REACH people where they are & INFLUENCE them to be all that God has called them to be.
9 Essential Topics
Explore 9 topics essential to preach Christ-centered, Bible-based messages integral to building a healthy church and changing lives through Christ.
9+ Hours of Training
9 Lectures, 18 Couch Conversations, and 26 'How To' trainings. A total of 53 recordings rich with insights, application, and challenge questions. Suitable for individual and team training.
Flexible Learning
Watch each unit or segments in any preferred order. It's completely up to you. The course is suitable for personal and team training.
Reach & Influence (Preaching and Teaching Course)

The holy mandate on you as a preacher is to both ‘reach’ and to ‘influence’.
How To Study
4 segments per unit
The course is delivered in 9 units. Each unit takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.
Lecture Overview
A concise teaching covering the most critical aspects from each topic.
Couch Conversation
A candid discussion from our team revealing how each topic shapes their own preaching.
'How To'
Clear and practical, step-by-step training from Robert Fergusson.
Digest the topic content as you go with these poignant questions for contemplation or discussion.
Course Outline
Anointed Preaching
- Understand the role the anointing plays for preacher and receiver.
- Operate in your gifting despite your everyday flaws and failings.
Biblical Preaching
- Bridging the gap between original context and today’s application.
- The five pillars that ensure your preaching is Biblically grounded.
Relevant Preaching
- Keys to communicating to any group, culture and demographic.
- Using research to help you understand a post-modern audience.
Pastoral Preaching
- The power of your tone to either condemn or draw people near.
- Messages that include everyone, no matter their circumstances.
Authentic Preaching
- Unleash your unique story that anyone can relate to.
- Find authority and perspective in sharing your personal journey.
Faith-filled Preaching
- Engage people living ordinary lives to trust in a supernatural God.
- Reach where people are currently at with a message of victory.
Memorable Preaching
- Extend your listeners’ attention with proven memory devices.
- The critical ingredients to crafting stories that challenge & inspire.
Applicable Preaching
- Four questions to ask to ensure your theology is applicable.
- Power of asking pertinent questions that inspire solutions.
Transformational Preaching
- Balancing the instantaneous & lifelong journey of transformation.
- Develop receptivity in your listeners to both hear and be changed.
Meet the Team
Robert Fergusson
Read Robert's Preaching TipsRobert Fergusson is a Hillsong Church teacher and author. Robert has been in ministry for fifty years including on staff at Hillsong for over 30 years. He is passionate about imparting practical life principles from the Bible and his primary responsibilities involve pastoral oversight and preaching and teaching. Robert is married to Amanda: they have three children and seven grandchildren.
Donna Crouch
Donna has been part of Hillsong for 40 years, and on staff for over 38 years. In this time, she led youth, creative ministries, Hills campus, and CityCare, through significant periods of growth and impact. As a National Executive and director (2009-2019) for Australian Christian Churches, she gained significant experience into the credentialling and supervision of ministers. Currently Donna is studying a Doctor of Ministry (Alphacrucis University College) and represents Hillsong nationally in both government, not-for-profit and the interfaith sectors.
Lee Burns
Lee, born and raised on the coast of Newcastle, Australia. The following six years after high school, Lee had a carpentry apprenticeship, during which he became a Christian. In 1997, he studied at Hillsong College, graduating with a Ministry Diploma. Lee holds a Bachelor and Master of Theology and is pursuing his PhD. He and his wife, Cherie, joined Hillsong Church’s New Peoples ministry as pastors in 1999. Previously serving as the Dean of Students at Hillsong College, Lee is currently the Executive Vice President of Hillsong College since 2014.
Chrishan Jeyaratnam
Chrishan and his wife, Danielle, are the lead pastors at Hillsong East Coast, a church with locations in New York City, New Jersey, and Boston. Chrishan has grown up in Hillsong Church since seven years of age, while Danielle joined during her senior year of high school. They have four daughters, each with their own unique personality. As a family, they are dedicated to serving God and others, and embracing the adventure of building His Church.
Cass Langton
Cassandra is a dynamic and inspiring communicator and speaker, fervently dedicated to pursuing Christ and employing every creative medium to express God’s beauty and convey the Jesus story to a world in dire need. Her commitment to strengthening the local church is further bolstered by her unwavering commitment and love for her family—her husband, Rich, and their children, Lilli and Tom.
Scott 'Sanga' Samways
Sangga and his wife, Klementina, are the lead pastors of Hillsong South Africa. Sanga started as a Youth Pastor after graduating from Hillsong College. In 2013, he and his wife oversaw Hillsong’s Newcastle location. Sanga’s unique communication style effectively conveys Jesus’ profound message in a relatable way. His deep biblical knowledge and personal testimony offer insight into God’s heart.
Angela Bachtle
Angela is a life-long learner, teacher, and pastor. Along with his husband, Tom, they lead a flourishing congregation of Hillsong Church in a northern Sydney suburb of Macquarie for more than a decade. Her desire is to see people to fall in love with Jesus and His glorious church. She is passionate to help people cultivate personal leadership and grow into God’s calling in their life. A long-standing member of HIllsong College team, Angela is currently the Principal of Hillsong College.
Brenden Brown
Brenden and his wife Jacqui are the lead pastors of Heirs Church in San Francisco. Before moving to the US, they were part of Hillsong’s Youth Ministry in Sydney and subsequently holding various pastoral roles, including leading a location in the Inner West of Sydney. They held leadership positions within the Sydney Central region of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) denomination. Brenden served as the Sports Chaplain for the Wests Tigers NRL Club. Brenden experienced a profound spiritual transformation in his mid-twenties, escaping a tumultuous lifestyle involving nightclubs and from working in the fashion industry.