Season 4 now available!

Declare God's truth over your life
I am chosen. I am not alone. I am a child of God. I am forgiven. I am free. I am found. I am a new creation. I am alive with Christ. I am God’s workmanship.

Perfect for Easter
Take a journey with Jesus, the King of kings and the Name above all names. We’ll delve into Jesus’ journey from His entrance on a donkey into the city of Jerusalem to the cross and the empty tomb when Jesus rose again.

Sermon On the Mount
Jesus stood on a hill, looking out over the people that had gathered to hear him speak. He shared eternal truths and blessings with those who listened then, and you and I today. We read in Matthew 5 that Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount by sharing a series of blessings for those in God’s kingdom.

Sermon On the Mount
Jesus stood on a hill, looking out over the people that had gathered to hear him speak. He shared eternal truths and blessings with those who listened then, and you and I today. We read the Sermon on the Mount in the book of Matthew, where Jesus teaches how we should love others.

Sermon On the Mount
We read the Sermon on the Mount in the book of Matthew, where Jesus teaches about prayer. He says, “Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.” We also discover that Jesus gives us an example of how to pray in what we now call ‘the Lord’s prayer’.

Sermon On the Mount
Jesus stood on a hill, looking out over the people that had gathered to hear him speak. He shared eternal truths and blessings with those who listened then, and you and I today. In the sermon on the mount Jesus shares eternal wisdom that stands the test of time. Living wise means obeying God’s commands, making wise choices to follow the path that leads to life, and to put God’s Word into practice.

Dreaming Big
We discover Joseph’s story in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Joseph had big dreams about his future and through lots of ups and downs God was with him and those dreams came true. Joseph’s life teaches us lots about God and His plan and purpose for His people. Learn that with God we can dream big, with God our dreams can help others and that with God our dreams can come true.

A Life Of Purpose
We discover the story of Moses in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament. God used Moses to rescue God’s people and bring them towards the promised land, but before that, his life began with danger and adventure, God protected him and had a purpose for his life. Moses’ life teaches us lots about God and His plan and purpose for His people. Learn that God has a plan and a purpose for our life too.

Faithful Servant, Friend, and King
We discover the story of David in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel in the Old Testament. David was chosen by God to become king, but it took many years before that happened. Learn all about faithfulness from the life of David in the Bible. David was a faithful servant, a faithful friend, and a faithful king.

Standing Firm
We discover the story of Daniel in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament. Daniel stood firm in his faith even when it could cost him his life. He was even thrown into a den of lions but God protected him. Daniel obeyed God, didn’t give up and heard from God. Learn all about standing firm from the life of Daniel in the Bible.

Building God's Kingdom
The Bible tells us about some amazing people who built God’s Kingdom and took the message of Jesus to the world. We read about these people, their adventures, challenges and miracles in the New Testament from the book of Acts through to Revelation, people such as Barnabas, Lydia, Priscilla and Aquila. We can learn from these heroes of the early church, how we can be kingdom people too. Kingdom People build the church, welcome others and help each other grow.

You are never too small for God
There are lots of things that you might be too young for, but you’re never too young to hear from God, serve God and make a big difference for God. There are many stories of children in the Bible who God used to do amazing things. God doesn’t just use adults to do His work, from kings to servants, priests to shepherds, all sorts of children were doing big things for God.

Connected to Jesus and grow
People are like plants, we can’t grow all on our own. We need food, we need water and we need to be cared for. Being planted in God’s Word means we don’t just visit God’s Word occasionally but we plant ourselves in His Word. To plant ourselves in God’s Word means we read it, ask God to speak to us through it, obey what He says and live our lives from the truth of His Word. Just like the vine and the branches, we stay connected to Him. Then we will grow roots deep in His Word and flourish.

Salvation, Baptism, Communion
We have all kinds of milestones in our lives that remind us of how far we’ve come and where we are at in our journey. Taking your first steps, your first day of school, losing your first tooth, your first word, and there’s so many to come. There’s also spiritual milestones that are a cause for celebration. When we choose to follow Jesus that is an important milestone, but it doesn’t end there. As we keep growing in our faith, we have other milestones along the way. Discover three important Christian milestones: Salvation is accepting Jesus as your Saviour. Baptism is declaring new life with Christ. Communion is remembering all that Jesus has done for us.

Living a life of mission
Before Jesus went to heaven, He gave His disciples a mission to tell others about Him. We have that same mission today, to share the good news about Jesus. Discover what the Great Commission means to us. Our mission to tell others about Jesus, how the Holy Spirit empowers us for this mission, and how we can live our lives ‘On Mission’ for Jesus!

Filmed in Jerusalem
The Bible is not a book of made-up stories; it’s about real people and real places, places we can still see today. As we journey through the places where Easter happened, we remember why Easter happened. We remember that Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, He died for us at a place called Golgotha, and He rose again, leaving the tomb He’d been placed in empty.

At Christmas time we watch cute nativity plays that show Jesus’ birth and the events after, all in just a few minutes. Actually, Jesus’ birth was probably nothing like the sweet play we make it out to be. Yes it is Holy, yes it’s a miracle, but Jesus’ birth is so much more than just a cute story. Join the team at Big HQ as they endeavor to put on a Christmas Musical, where nothing seems to go to plan, but learning through it all that the true meaning of Christmas is all about Jesus.

The Wise Guys are the wise men who brought gifts to Jesus. Each gift reminds us about who Jesus was and what was to come. Gold reminds us that Jesus is the King of kings, Frankincense speaks of worship, and Myrrh reminds us that Jesus is our Saviour.