Divine Questions #17
Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?
Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?
When I young, I was ignorant about the Scriptures and their Author. I thought the Bible was similar to other ancient texts, an out-of-date manual for living; and I thought that God, if He existed at all, was transcendent but not imminent, or in my simple worldview, ‘up there’ but not ‘down here’. Of course, I was wrong.
When I became a believer, I discovered the Bible was both a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and relevant to my daily life, and that God was both powerful and present.
When Jesus confronted the Sadducees about their lack of faith in the resurrection, He challenged their blind, elitist, and law-based worldview, and then posed the rhetorical question, “…Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?...” (Mark 12:24).
The question was as pertinent to me in my youth as it was for the Sadducees. I was also ignorant and self-righteous. I was wrong about the Scriptures, and I was wrong about the power of God. What about you?
Do you know the revelatory power of the Word of God and the transformative power of the Spirit of God?
Have you experienced the power of the resurrection?
Are you in awe of the One who is ‘up there’ and ‘down here’?