Divine Questions #13
Do you see this woman?
Do you see this woman?
The story of Hagar, in common with many Bible stories, is heartbreaking. She was an Egyptian slave who was mistreated by her mistress and consequently fled into the desert. She eventually sat down by a well – exhausted, alone, miserable, and pregnant.
She didn’t know where to go or what to do. It was here that God found her. She exclaimed, “…You are the God who sees me…” (Genesis 16:13).
We find a similar story in the gospels. Jesus is eating at the house of Simon the Pharisee when a woman, who is described as living a sinful life, kissed His feet and poured perfume on them. It was at this point that Jesus asked Simon, “…Do you see this woman…”? (Luke 7:44).
Simon the Pharisee had failed both to recognise the identity of Jesus but also the significance of what the woman was doing. He was so self-righteous that his entire focus was on the woman’s sin.
I wonder how we would have reacted if we had been there. Would we have been as blind or as proud as Simon?
Would we have shown the same grace as Jesus?
Do we judge people before we know their circumstances or hear their story?
Do we see the desperation of the broken people in our world?
Do we see as God sees?