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Guard Your Heart #3

Our Diet

Our Diet

We all know that our heart can be affected by what we eat. An unhealthy diet can lead to blocked arteries – or worse. Tragically, we often ignore medical advice and suffer the consequences.

But the same can be true of our spiritual hearts. We are constantly challenged to feed ourselves with the truth of God’s word and yet we often neglect it or replace it with spiritual junk food, maybe a snack of opinion, a crumb of rumour, or even the poison of doubt.

If we make this our habit, we will not only become spiritually malnourished, but we also risk the possibility of a spiritual heart attack.

No wonder Jesus challenged us to sustain ourselves with God’s word. He said, “…Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God…’” (Matthew 4:4); and “…My food…is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work…” (John 4:34).

Jesus always fueled His life with divine promise and purpose. Do you do the same?

Are you careful to avoid those tempting morsels of gossip which you know will hurt your heart?

Do you feast on the goodness of God’s word on a daily basis?


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