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Guard Your Heart #4

Our Lifestyle

Our Lifestyle

We all know that exercise is essential for heart health and yet many of us are not as disciplined in this vital area as we should be. This is also true about our spiritual heart health and our spiritual disciplines.

The passage in Proverbs, which I am highlighting in this series, challenges us to keep God’s words within our heart because, “…they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body…” (Proverbs 4:22).

Our spiritual disciplines will feed our whole being, however, feeding on God’s word alone is insufficient, our spirit and soul need a workout to keep our heart strong.

Our faith needs to be exercised through proclaiming God’s message and praying for the sick.

Our spirit needs to be strengthened through sacrificial song and speaking in tongues.

Our soul needs to be refreshed through difficult reading and challenging thought.

Spiritual disciplines are exactly that – disciplines. They are not meant to be easy. They need to be daily and demanding. Remember: “…Above all else, guard you heart, for everything you do flows from it…” (Proverbs 4:23).

Do you purposely take steps of faith to strengthen your walk with God?

Do you wrestle with challenging topics to improve your thinking?

Do you build up your spirit by speaking in tongues every day?


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