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Ephiphany #2

Plough Sunday

Plough Sunday

In the North of England, there is a tradition where a plough is pulled through the streets of the town on the first Monday after Epiphany, the feast which is celebrated on the sixth of January. Plough Monday, as it is called, represents the start of the agricultural year.

On the following Sunday, sometimes called Plough Sunday, a ploughshare is brought to church and the land, the plough and the seed are blessed.

I know it is just a tradition, but sometimes traditions can teach us a great deal.

As you put the Christmas season behind you and prepare for the New Year, why don’t you take time to bless the church and the community where you are planted.

And why don’t you think about your contribution, and what seed you are going to sow this year. I think, a new year requires a new resolve.

Jesus said, “…No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God…” (Luke 9:62).

So, let’s put our hand to the plough once again and believe for a wonderful harvest in 2022.


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