Advent #4
I like traditions – especially Christmas traditions. Of course, they can be meaningless, but if done well they can give us an opportunity to remember and reflect.
In the church calendar, we are in the season of advent – the month leading up to Christmas. Traditionally, advent is remembered by four candles lit on consecutive Sundays before Christmas and then a fifth candle lit on Christmas Eve or Day.
The first four candles usually symbolize hope, peace, joy, and love. The fifth and final candle, positioned in the middle, represents Christ. This simple idea not only helps us remember the four promises of Christmas but also reminds us that without Christ there is no Christmas.
Advent means arrival, so in this season, we look forward to the coming of Christ – the incarnation – the day the Word became flesh – the day that God came to dwell among us – the greatest day in world history. That momentous idea is worthy of remembrance.
However, we are actually living between advents – the first and second coming of Christ. We enjoy the fruit of the first while expecting the fulfillment of the second. That is also something worthy of reflection.
Whatever your traditions in this season, why don’t you make time this Christmas to pause and remember the significance of the two advents of Christ.