Spiritual Direction #12
Sabbath (Part 1)
Sabbath (Part 1)
The six hundred and thirteen laws in the Old Testament can be categorized into three groups: civil laws (such as those about the cities of refuge); ceremonial laws (such as those about sacrifices); and moral laws (such as those about holiness).
The civil and ceremonial laws no longer apply to Christians, since we don’t follow the specific laws which relate to the nation of Israel, nor do we follow the ancient sacrificial system.
Jesus Christ has become our High Priest and has made us holy through His sacrifice. As the Bible says, “…For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy…” (Hebrews 10:14).
The moral laws of God, which include the ten commandments, are being outworked by God in the lives of believers. So, the ten commandments are either repeated verbatim in the New Testament (such as the commandment to honour our parents) (Ephesians 6:1-2) or are made stronger (such as the commandment concerning adultery) (Matthew 5:27-8).
However, the fourth and longest commandment, the keeping of the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11), cannot be so easily categorized. It has become a contentious issue.
Is it simply a moral commandment which all Christians should follow?
Or is it only a sign of the Mosaic covenant which only applies to Israel?
What exactly does the New Testament teach concerning the Sabbath?