Spiritual Direction #3
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Disciplines
When we speak of the disciplines of our faith there are those who find the language uncomfortable. They don’t want us to return to a doctrine of works.
But even though we are immersed in grace, the Bible tells us to work out our salvation (Cf. Philippians 2:12-13). We must work out what God works in - and this requires discipline. But which devotional disciplines are central to the traditions of the church?
In his book, ‘Life Together’, Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, “…every common devotion should include the word of Scripture, the hymns of the church, and the prayer of fellowship…”.
Henri Nouwen describes these same three ideas in his book, ‘Spiritual Direction’. He calls them, “…the discipline of the heart…the book, and…the church…”. He says that these three disciplines, “…create space for God…” and “…free us to live an embodied and fulfilled spiritual life…”.
If these men of God are right, the practice of these spiritual disciplines will liberate us to become the person we are meant to become.
In the same way that the restrictions of railway tracks enable a train to fulfill its function, our spiritual disciplines will enable us to move freely in the direction God wants for us.
Which disciplines of the heart do you currently follow?
Which disciplines of the book do you practice?
Which disciplines of the church do you find most helpful?