Thoughts on Thinking #9
The Building of Defences
The Building of Defences
If we want victory in the battle of our mind, I suggest that the following maxims of war should be applied: the maintenance of unity; the building of defences; and the correct use of weapons.
Even though the weapons we use in our mental warfare are spiritual, we can still follow natural guidelines.
Much can be learned, for instance, from the restoration of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah.
After a commitment to unity, he and his team resolved to build defences, with a brick in one hand and a sword in the other (Nehemiah 4:16-18). We need to do the same.
Paul used a similar image in his letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 6:10-20). He suggested we stand with our armour in place and yet always be ready to take up weapons against spiritual opposition.
The defensive weapons in Paul’s list were a belt of truth, a breastplate of righteousness and a sabaton of peace.
These are the three certainties with which we stand firm in faith: the truth of God and His word; the righteousness we have in Christ; and the peace which comes from His gospel and His Presence.
In a shaken world, are you unshakeable in these convictions?
When accused, are you confident in your confession of faith.
When assailed by anxiety, does the peace of God guard your thinking?