Unpublished Appendix from 'Are You Getting This?' #11
The Eyes of the Heart
The Eyes of the Heart
I have become increasingly aware of our need for spiritual directors and spiritual direction. In fact, in my latter years, I intend to be more involved in the receiving and giving of spiritual direction.
Although it is an ancient practice, it seems to be more necessary and more desired among spiritual seekers than ever before.
In his book, ‘Spiritual Direction’, Henri Nouwen suggests that a spiritual director can, through “…prayerful presence, wise counsel, and careful guidance…” teach us, “…how to live spiritually in a world of ambiguity and distraction…” It seems to me that our complex world necessitates this kind of intentional help.
But in his book, ‘A Long Obedience in the Same Direction’, Eugene Peterson poses a challenge to this kind of thinking. He says that he is not qualified to, “…form Christ in another person…”. As he puts it, “…that is supernatural work, and I am not supernatural…”
But, of course, that is the point. We may benefit from the natural skills of a coach, but we need more than that.
What we need is someone to point us toward Jesus Christ and to teach us the spiritual disciplines to know Him better. But what are those disciplines?
What are the ancient practices that have helped so many generations of godly men and women?
Which spiritual disciplines are the most fruitful?
That is what I intend to explore.