The Holy Spirit #10
The Holy Spirit & Insight
The Holy Spirit & Insight
Although Christianity is the best lens through which to view the world, and the most reasonable paradigm to make sense of its complexities, we must not become too rational in our preaching.
Paul the apostle may have been tempted to explain his ideas with human reasoning, but concluded that, “…no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him…” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
The delivery and the reception of the mystery of the gospel required more than rhetoric. Christian communication, like Christian leadership, is counterintuitive, and often countercultural. Spiritual messages require spiritual insight (1 Corinthians 2:10).
It is sad when we revert to worldly practices to achieve spiritual aims, or resort to temporal solutions to eternal problems.
Public speaking books and leadership manuals may well provide helpful ideas, but they cannot give us the spiritual insight we need.
The ‘Spirit of wisdom’ is available to us through Christ (Isaiah 11:2) and accessible through prayer (Ephesians 1:17).
Are you relying on natural abilities to communicate spiritual truth?
Are you aware of the natural impossibility of communicating divine possibilities?
Do you pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation?