Thoughts on Thinking #5
The Priorities of Thinking
The Priorities of Thinking
The world has been shaped by thinkers. Ideas, whether good or evil, maintain their potency for centuries. Lives have been saved and shipwrecked through thinking.
So, how do we shape our own world for beneficial purpose?
Maybe, once we have understood the limits and potential of our thinking, we need to put it into its place.
What do I mean?
We are tripartite beings. Paul wrote, “…May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
He purposely placed our spirit before our soul; our convictions before our choices; our faith before our feelings.
As Augustine stated, ‘Credo ut intelligam’ (I believe in order that I may understand).
Sadly, many reverse the order and describe themselves as ‘body, soul, and spirit’.
Their feelings determine their thinking, and then their thinking determines their beliefs. It is a dangerous pathway.
If we choose, think, and feel with our soul (Cf. Psalm 42), we need to keep it in its place – second to our spirit.
Are you ruled by your emotions?
Do your convictions or your circumstances determine your choices?
How do you strengthen your spirit to maintain its pre-eminence in your life?