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Advent #3

The Promise of Advent

The Promise of Advent

The advent, or coming, of Christ is always accompanied by promises.

The prophet Isaiah proclaimed Christ’s arrival with the statement, “…For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…” (Isaiah 9:6).

But in the previous four verses he also describes what the arrival will look like.

In verse 2, he declares that light has come; in verse 3, he tells us that people will rejoice as they do at harvest; in verse 4, he says that yokes will be shattered; and in verse 5, he established that the coming King is victorious.

A summary of these four ideas is that Christ comes with hope, joy, freedom, and victory.

As we conclude a difficult year, let us celebrate this Christmas season, this advent, with these four promises in our heart.

And as we approach a New Year, let’s remember that with every night there is a new dawn.

As Isaiah put it, “…The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned…” (Isaiah 9:2).


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