Divine Questions #4
What are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Many of the personal questions which God asked of people in the Bible are very relevant to us. This one is no exception.
Elijah the prophet was called and empowered by God and yet, after being threatened, he runs away from his calling and purpose. God finds him in a cave in the desert and asks him, “What are you doing here, Elijah”? (1 Kings 19:9). The conversation puts Elijah back on track.
This question has always resonated with me because it is what God asked of me when, like Elijah and Jonah, I had also run away from my divinely assigned task. God wanted me to be a preacher, but I thought I knew better.
The question, like all divine questions, made me reflect on my choices, admit my mistakes, and resubmit my life to God. I am immensely glad and grateful that I did.
In this season, many people are also feeling threatened for various reasons, and are seeking solace like Elijah, but in doing so, they have also walked away from community, and ultimately their destiny.
This question, therefore, is of paramount importance. What are you doing here?
Are you in a good place?
Do you feel threatened?
Do you trust God with your future?
Have you drawn back from God and His purpose for your life?