Divine Questions #3
What is that in your hand?
What is that in your hand?
The conversation between God and Moses, at the burning bush, is one of the most remarkable in the Bible.
Not only does it reveal the covenant Name of God, but it also reveals the extraordinary plan of God. God intended to use Moses, an uncertain and flawed man, to save His people Israel.
What is amazing about this revelation is that God hasn’t changed His methodology. He still uses uncertain and flawed people, like you and me, to fulfill His purposes.
In the middle of the conversation, God asks a seemingly bizarre question. What is that in your hand? (Exodus 4:2). Since both God and Moses knew he held a shepherd’s staff, why did God ask the question?
As we have noted, God’s questions are designed to make us to think, speak and act.
God wanted Moses to think like Him, to speak for Him and to act with Him. He wanted Moses to realize that the mundane could be turned into the miraculous, the ordinary could become the extraordinary. Like the boy with the loaves and fish, He just needed Moses to give Him what he had.
Once again, God’s question to Moses is a template for us. What is in your hand?
Do you believe that God can use you?
Have you given everything you have to God?